Name: Vena H. Ronquillo
Section: BSIT 3E
Case Study #: 4
Load the following jobs into memory using dynamic partition and relocatable dynamic partition: (The memory size is 220k with allocated OS for 15k).
a. Job1 (100k) f. Job6 (6k)
turnaround: 3 turnaround: 1
b. Job2 (10k) g. Job7 (25k)
turnaround: 1 turnaround: 1
c. Job3 (35k) h. Job8 (55k)
turnaround: 2 turnaround: 2
d. Job4 (15k) i. Job9 (88k)
turnaround: 1 turnaround: 3
e. Job5 (23k) j. Job10 (100k)
turnaround: 2 turnaround: 3
(a) Memory capacity is 220k, 15k is allocated for OS and there is 205k free space for processing, (b) the 205k space is occupied by the Jobs 1-6 with a total of 204k, free space remaining is 16k which is the grey colours in the table above, (c) jobs 2, 4 and 6 ends here and there are free blocks and space for another processing, (d) using reallocation in dynamic partition for compaction of memory space, Jobs 1, 3 and 5 were compact then there is 47k remaining space, (e) enters the 25k Job 7, remaining space is 22k (not suited for Job 8), (f) Jobs 3, 5 and 7 ends here, remaining the Job 1 in its block and has free space of 105k, (g) Job 8 enters with 55k, and 50k is the remaining space, (h) Job 1 ends here remaining the Job 8, with 150 free space, (i) here comes the Job 9 with 88k occupying the 100k block, (j) compaction cannot be done here because Job 8 already ends here remaining the job 9, and 117k free space for another processing, (k) Job 10 enters with 100k, 17k free space remaining, (l) Job 9 ends remaining the Job 10, (m) after the 3rd turnaround of the Job 10, it will end its process and there’s no more jobs to be process so the 205k free space remains and also the constant 15k OS.
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